Funeral Directors

Our funeral directors serving Barnstaple are compassionate, professional and will do all they can to support you following a death. Since being established, we have helped families in the local communities to commemorate the life of loved ones, through arranging respectful and dignified services. We also make ourselves available to offer advice and assistance wherever possible, giving you the space and time you need to reflect and grieve. If you would like to arrange a meeting, then visit our contact page.

About us

We do not take a ‘one size fits all’ approach, as we know that families often want the funeral to reflect the personality and wishes of their loved one. We tailor our services to meet your individual requirements, and we can take care of every little detail. As a result, you can have the time and space you need to reflect on your loss. Get in touch with us to discuss your wishes.

What we do

We offer professional and complete funeral services to families in the local community, removing unnecessary stress at a difficult time. We are always honest and transparent with our pricing, so you will not need to worry about any hidden costs. Furthermore, we have a Chapel of Rest where you can visit your loved one which can be arranged by appointment in advance.

There are many things that will need to be considered while making the funeral arrangements, and our knowledgeable and respectful team will guide you through the process. Our services cover:

  • Burials
  • Cremations
  • Fleet vehicles
  • Flowers and caskets
  • Pre-paid funeral plans
  • Funeral finance
  • Practical advice

Independent Funeral Services

Our independent funeral directors offer a compassionate approach, helping you with every aspect of arranging the service and offering support at this difficult time. Whether you want a large ceremony to celebrate the life of your loved one or a small and intimate service, we will ensure your wishes are met.

How to enquire

To enquire about our services, give us a call today. We can arrange a meeting with you to discuss our services, your requirements and proceed with making arrangements.

Contact Our Helpful and Caring Funeral Directors Barnstaple

Call our helpful and caring funeral directors in Barnstaple to discuss our funeral services and your individual needs.