Funeral Planning

When attending a funeral, being self aware and behaving in a respectful manner is of utmost importance. Not only will this make the grieving family feel supported, but is also a way of honouring the deceased. If you’d like to know our tips for funeral etiquette, keep reading.

1. Dress Appropriately 

Traditionally, many people wear black clothing to funerals. This is because the colour black is largely associated with death and mourning. However, as long as your clothing is clean and smart, you can be a bit more adventurous with the colour.  For men, a suit and tie is always a sensible choice. Women may also wear a suit, but a smart dress, or skirt and blouse are also appropriate. If there is a dress code or particular colour scheme for a funeral, the family will usually inform all guests in advance. 

2. Switch Your Phone Off

Always ensure your phone is turned off before the funeral begins. Ideally, you should do this before entering the chapel and finding your seat. If you do not wish to switch off your phone, set it to silent and avoid using it for the duration of the service.

3. Don't Give Unsolicited Advice

Although phrases such as ‘don’t cry’ or ‘everything happens for a reason’ are often said to those who have lost a loved one, these sentiments are not the most helpful advice. Even if they are meant sincerely, it is best not to challenge people’s feelings on an emotional day. Instead, reassure others that you will be there for them, or that they can count on you if they need additional support. 

4. Pay Your Respects

Although you may be at a loss for what to say, it is important to greet and pay your respects to the grieving family. Simply offering your condolences and reassurance will be well-received.

5. Arrive To The Funeral On Time

Never arrive late to a funeral. This can be incredibly insulting and disrespectful to the family of the deceased. Therefore, it is crucial you plan ahead and allow yourself plenty of time to get to the venue before the service begins. Arriving on time shows that you are taking the formality of the day and the feelings of others seriously.

Friendship & Sons Funeral Directors

Please contact our compassionate team today to discuss our funeral plans and services.

Planning a funeral can be a complex, stressful process if you’ve never gone through this before. At Friendship & Sons, we provide expert advice to help make the journey easier in a difficult time. If you’ve begun this process, read on for our starter guide on what to consider when planning a funeral.

Start Your Funeral Plans With The Departed's Final Wishes

It is almost always best when the departed’s final wishes are taken into consideration. Honouring a loved one means giving them the send-off they deserve. And, what better way is there to do so than to give them what they specifically asked for?

These details can encompass details large and small, from where they wish to be buried to what music they would like played.

One vital set of details to keep in mind are those which include matters of faith. If the departed were of a certain religion, then they may have wished for that religion to be involved in certain aspects of their funeral. These details may include:

  • Which house of worship they wanted to preside over their passing.
  • What religious leader they preferred to speak at their memorial.
  • Where they would like to be buried.

Two people talking looking concerned

Find Your Loved One’s Final Wishes

Often, a loved one will make their wishes known explicitly to their family and loved ones before their departure. However, if they did not do so directly, then there are other methods of finding out. Look through their will and other legal documents relating to their death. These documents are where those wishes are most often communicated.

Know What To Do If You Cannot Find Any Final Wishes

Finally, it may become clear to you that there simply is no information on what the departed wanted for their funeral. This, unfortunately, does happen often enough. Death can be sudden and unexpected. Some people do not think about documenting their final wishes.

In such cases, speak among other people who knew and loved the departed. Putting together a funeral that is personal can be as simple as celebrating the things you shared together. A shared favourite song or a flower they mentioned liking; small details like these can add up to an intimate and personal affair.

white coffin with pink flowers

Arrange How The Funeral Plans Will Be Financed

Make sure that you properly set a budget for what you are willing to spend. It’s important to then plan around that number accordingly. If you are struggling to make sense of your funeral’s finances, contact your funeral director. With their experience, they will know what decisions you will need to make to bring your plans within budget.

Medical Certificate

Make Your Funeral Plans At A Convenient Time

Make sure that you plan your funeral for a day when all of those whose presence should be essential can attend. This will likely include all immediate family members, as well as the departed’s close friends.

Plan, set the date, and notify potential attendees, as far in advance as possible. This allows those invited to properly plan their time out and notify their various employers of their absence.

Take note that evening and weekend services may be more convenient for your attendees. This is especially the case if they cannot get out of work easily. However, because of this, you may find that these time slots are in higher demand. This could mean that they are booked up fast and/or are more expensive. Make sure to book your venue as far ahead of time as you can and be aware of any price differences when working through your budget.

person making a telephone call

Contact Us

Are you looking for help with funeral plans? Contact Friendship & Sons for excellent funeral planning and directors. Our expert team are ready to help. We can handle any and every aspect of the funeral as required by you. Contact us today to learn more.

A funeral director plays an integral role in making sure that your loved one receives a good funeral.

Their responsibilities are versatile. This can include the planning of the ceremony, transportation of the deceased, or even grief counselling, among others. However, these roles can shift and change. It all depends on what the bereaved needs from them and what they would prefer to handle themselves.

Read on for more information on what the role of a funeral director is, and the responsibilities that make up that role:

Funeral Planning

Planning out the ceremony is the primary role of a funeral director. It is the task that all other roles orbit.

They will make sure that the details of a funeral are planned down to the last detail. The extent to which they are involved in this planning, however, can vary. They will take as prominent or as minor a role in the proceedings as the departed’s loved ones wish them to.

If the departed or their family have specific plans in mind regarding a funeral, then a funeral director can facilitate that. On the other hand, if they need to step away to grieve, then they can take a more prominent role. In this way, boundaries and final wishes can be properly honoured, while the tasks of administration and busy work can are lightened.

Funeral service with coffin and flowers

A Funeral Director Handles Transport

They will ensure that the body of the departed is properly transported. This process may begin with picking them up from the morgue. The body may then be taken in by the funeral service provider. After which, the body will be transported to the funeral itself.

The director ensures that this all happens promptly, smoothly, and with all the respect that is due. They do this by either hiring out the respective funeral hearses and drivers or by using their own.

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Grief Counselling

A funeral director understands that a funeral is an incredibly difficult time for the bereaved. They are trained to help guide people through this difficult process, helping as much as they can. All this goes towards making the whole process as smooth as possible, giving people time to grieve properly.

funeral planning

Contact Us

If you need, or expect to need, a funeral director, contact Friendship & Sons. Our team of experienced personnel are on-hand to make sure your funeral service is a calm and respectful affair. For more information on what we can do to help you through this difficult process, contact us today.